…ich habe den Stable schon seit er auf den Markt kam und fliege ihn regelmäßig neben meinem Phasor. Der Stable beeindruckt mich nach wie vor durch sein unkompliziertes Handling, beginnend mit dem Setup am Flugsystem...
…ich habe den Stable schon seit er auf den Markt kam und fliege ihn regelmäßig neben meinem Phasor. Der Stable beeindruckt mich nach wie vor durch sein unkompliziertes Handling, beginnend mit dem Setup am Flugsystem, welches durch die neuerdings von PARC mit einer Kugel versehene Bremsleine nochmal vereinfacht wurde. Die neue Bremsleine lässt sich problemlos, so wie in meinem Fall, nachrüsten. Der Stable zeigt, korrekt ausgelegt, ein extrem einfaches Startverhalten sofern die Setupdaten eingehalten wurden. Ein korrektes Setup des Flugsystems ist wie immer das A&O eines erfolgreichen Flugtags, hierzu liefert das am Schirm angebrachte Tag die Infos, eigentlich kann hier nichts schief gehen. Starts sind selbst bei Windstille eine Freude und gelingen auf Anhieb. Einmal der Luft übergeben kann der Spaß beginnen. Vorweg, der Stable ist ein sehr schneller Schirm, der unheimlich gute Gleiteigenschaften hat und selbst in beschleunigtem Zustand wenig an Höhe verliert und somit eine super Winddurchdringung hat. Die Wendigkeit ist enorm und Piloten mit noch nicht so viel Erfahrung sei unbedingt angeraten, die in der Beschreibung angegeben Expowerte einzustellen und eventuell auch die Ausschläge am Sender zu begrenzen. Dies mag im ersten Moment verwundern, aber überzieht man den Schirm kann es, wie bei allen Schirmen, zu Klappern kommen welche dann aktiv vom Piloten wieder zu öffnen sind, oder aber einem Strömungsabriss wäre die Folge. PARC arbeite mit sehr viel weniger Bremsleinenwegen als andere Hersteller, die Nutzung einer Acroumlenkung zum Beispiel würde den Schirm unbeherrschbar machen und unweigerlich zu Abstürzen führen. Der Stable nimmt Thermik super auf und ermöglicht so wunderschöne, lange Flüge auch in der Ebene, die dem Piloten ein Grinsen ins Gesicht zaubern. Durch die Möglichkeit der Flugphasenprogrammierung am Sender lässt sich das Fliegen schier endlos genießen. Noch ein paar Worte zur Landung, da der Stable sehr schnell ist sollte man die Landeeinteilung gut vorbereiten und den Schirm vor allem bei Handlandungen unbedingt abbremsen, landet man auf einer großen Wiese erübrigt sich das natürlich . Fazit, der Stable Race macht extrem viel Laune, ist für ein Hybridschirm sehr schnell und super wendig, beeindruckt mit seinem unkomplizierten Handling und ist am Himmel von einem manntragenden Swing Schirm eigentlich nicht zu unterscheiden, ein absolut gelungener RC-Gleitschirm.

– Michael B.
RC paraglider STABLE 2.1 race RAST (Hybrid-RAST®)
Regular price 24.523,00 Kč Save -24.523,00 Kč🟢 Variante Grün / Rot ist verfügbar!
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Para Aviation RC
Rico Priesnitz - ENGINEERING
Heusweilerstraße 3A
66571 Eppelborn / Germany
RC Paraglider Stable 2.1 a Hybrid

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The PARA AVIATION RC HYBRID-RAST® RC PARAGLIDER represents a new era in the world of remote-controlled RC paragliders. It integrates the innovative Hybrid-RAST® technology, which offers unmatched stability and control in flight, and thus places it at the forefront of RC paraglider technology.
This RC paraglider impresses with its advanced profile design, which offers optimal aerodynamics and improved flight characteristics. This construction allows the RC paraglider to shine even in difficult flight conditions.
With its impressive aspect ratio of 7.5 and a wingspan of 4 meters, this RC paraglider dominates the sky with its very true-to-original appearance.
The core design element, however, is the RAST valve in each cell, which enables us to achieve maximum control in every situation.
The HYBRID-RAST® RC PARAGLIDER from PARA AVIATION RC is versatile and ideal for different flight environments, whether over flat landscapes or along steep slopes. It offers consistent and impressive performance, making it ideal for long thermal flights.
Made from premium materials, the HYBRID-RAST® RC PARAGLIDER from PARA AVIATION RC stands for durability and quality, guaranteeing a long service life and sustained top performance.
Video of Stable 2.1 RACE RAST
Why buy our RC paraglider?
- RAST® technology in every cell: Our RC paraglider is equipped with RAST® valves in every cell, which ensures exceptional stability and control. This advanced technology makes the RC paraglider a reliable companion in the sky.
Easy takeoff with RAST®: Thanks to RAST® technology, taking off with our RC paraglider is child's play. It ensures a smooth and controlled takeoff, ideal for both novice and experienced pilots.
Superior gliding performance: Enjoy impressive gliding performance with our RC paraglider. Its sophisticated aerodynamics enable long, stable flights, making it very popular even in the most difficult conditions.
Agile flight maneuvers: The agile wing of our RC Paraglider allows you to fly precise and dynamic maneuvers. This makes it perfect for exciting flight adventures.
Ideal for thermal flights: This RC paraglider is specially designed for extended thermal flights, whether on the flat or on a slope. It offers excellent performance in various thermal conditions. Due to its control characteristics, it can circle very flat in very weak thermals, which makes it possible to use very weak thermals.
Fast acceleration while maintaining gliding performance: Our RC paraglider accelerates efficiently without major losses in gliding performance. This allows you to control the speed flexibly without compromising on performance.
Innovative profile strak: The modern, flow-simulated profile strak improves the aerodynamics and increases the overall performance of the RC paraglider. This is very evident in its maneuverability, sporty flying and slow cruising.
Nitinol rods for permanent shape stability: Nitinol rods, a nickel-titanium alloy with shape memory, ensure a consistent shape of the leading edge over many years and improve flight characteristics.
Latest generation Edelrid Pro Dry lines: We use the latest Edelrid Pro Dry lines, which are known for their durability and performance.
- High-quality pack sack for convenient transport: The included pack sack made of first-class backpack material with breathable mesh segments protects your RC paraglider and makes transport easier.
STABLE 2.1 RACE RAST – New paths in RC paraglider technology
Revolutionary flight dynamics: The STABLE 2.1 RACE RAST takes the performance of RC paragliders to a new level. With its impressive performance at different speeds, it offers optimal conditions for both sporting challenges and relaxed gliding, always with a high degree of safety.
Precise control and agility: We have placed great emphasis on precise control characteristics and agility. These properties make it possible to use even fine thermals effectively - perfect for RC paraglider pilots who want to get the most out of their flight.
Development with RAST® technology: Inspired by the manned RAST® paragliders and by the RC paraglider pioneer Herry Hoffner, we developed the STABLE 2.1 RACE RAST. Our goal was an RC paraglider that is easy to control, has excellent gliding characteristics and remains stable even in critical flight conditions and weather conditions. The integration of the RAST® system was a key element.
Advanced aerodynamics and materials: Our flow simulations resulted in a profile with variable profiles along the wingspan, which optimizes aerodynamics. Nitinol ensures an ideal profile nose and simplifies takeoff. The latest Edelrid Magix Pro Dry lines offer excellent flight performance.
RAST® valves as a design highlight: The development of the RAST® valve was complex and time-consuming, but crucial for the flight characteristics of our RC paragliders. The construction and stress distribution are closely linked to the RAST® valve, which led to intensive prototype development.
- Completion of the development phase: After extensive testing and fine-tuning, we have perfected the STABLE 2.1 RACE RAST. This RC paraglider represents technological excellence and a spirit of innovation in RC paragliding.
The STABLE 2.1 RACE RAST sets new standards in performance , safety and flight experience . It represents the future of RC paragliding and opens up new possibilities in this fascinating sport.
Recommended by AUFWIND - the leading German-language model sports magazine for gliding and electric flight
Experience the future of RC paragliding with the Stable 2.1 Race Rast , a masterpiece of innovation from Para Aviation. Tested and recommended by ' Aufwind ', the leading model sport magazine for gliding and electric flight, this paraglider sets new standards in flight stability, performance and technological sophistication.
Discover how its unique 'Rast' technology is revolutionising the flying experience and why experts see it as a turning point in RC paragliding .
Are you ready to push the boundaries of what is possible and enter a new era of model flying with the “Stable 2.1 Race Rast”?
Technical data at a glance:
RC paraglider STABLE 2.1 Race RAST | |
Sail: | Hybrid with RAST® valves |
Span: | 4 metres |
Linen type: | 3-Liner |
Stretching: | 7.5 |
Cells: | 37, of which 6 cells as single skin, 27 with RAST ® technology |
Weight range: |
2.5kg to 3.5kg |
Scope of delivery:
- Paraglider STABLE 2.1 RACE RAST
- High-quality breathable pack sack
- operating manual
Operating instructions / Manual:
THE RAST Story - Development of RAST technology

Aerodynamics, newly developed profile of the RC Paraglider
Breakthrough in aerodynamics using flow simulation: When designing our RC paraglider, we placed great emphasis on aerodynamic efficiency. Advanced flow simulations led to the development of a revolutionary profile profile. This design allows the profile of the canopy to change 4 to 6 times per side along the span, depending on the model type, affecting both the thickness and the camber and camber setback.
Innovative profile design for improved flight dynamics: The result of our comprehensive simulations are 4 to 6 tailor-made profiles per canopy side that are integrated into the profile strip. These specially developed profiles extend the usable speed range and ensure that the RC paraglider remains easy to control and stable in all speed ranges.
Summary of aerodynamic innovations: Our advanced aerodynamic development enables a perfect balance between speed, stability and agility. The RC paraglider offers optimal performance in various flight modes, ideal for pilots who value both high performance and user-friendliness.

RAST technology and our RC paragliders
What is RAST®?
Advantages of RAST® technology in detail
Easy takeoff: RAST® ensures efficient pressure distribution in the canopy, which simplifies the takeoff process and leads to a faster and safer takeoff.
- Improved stability: The unique pressure distribution provided by RAST® ensures increased stability, making flying safer and more comfortable.
- Protection against collapse: RAST® minimizes the risk of collapse by stabilizing the canopy and thus increasing flight safety.
- Reduced altitude loss in the event of a malfunction: In the event of a malfunction, RAST® prevents the canopy from completely deflating, resulting in less altitude loss and faster reopening.
- Optimized performance in turbulent air: RAST® improves the paraglider's performance in moving air by combining stability and maneuverability.
- Improved thermal performance: The technology enables more precise control in thermal conditions, making thermal flying more efficient.
Conclusion on RAST ®
RAST® revolutionizes the flying experience of our RC paragliders by improving safety, control and performance in a variety of flight conditions. It makes our wings the first choice for pilots who value easy launching, high stability and outstanding performance.

Nitinol rods and our RC paragliders
Nitinol rods – A breakthrough in RC paragliding technology
Our RC paragliders are equipped with Nitinol rods, a groundbreaking innovation that far surpasses traditional materials. Nitinol, an alloy of nickel and titanium, is characterized by its shape memory properties. This advanced technology offers numerous advantages that significantly improve our customers' flying experience.
Advantages of Nitinol rods
Exceptional dimensional stability: The 0.8 mm thin Nitinol wire is extremely resistant to deformation. It always retains its shape and length, which ensures that the profile nose is permanently perfectly tensioned.
Memory effect: The memory effect of the Nitinol rods guarantees that the profile nose is always optimally shaped. This simplifies the take-off process and folding up the RC paraglider.
Lightweight construction: Despite their robustness and dimensional stability, Nitinol rods are lighter than traditional nylon rods, which reduces the overall weight of the RC paraglider and increases flight performance.
Easy handling: The use of Nitinol rods makes the RC Paraglider easier to handle both during takeoff and when packing, which increases user-friendliness.
- Durability and reliability: Nitinol rods are extremely durable and reliable, resisting the deformation and damage that often occurs with conventional materials.
Conclusion on Nitinol rods
The introduction of Nitinol rods in our RC paragliders marks a significant advance in technology. They offer a combination of lightness, dimensional stability and ease of use that gives our customers an unmatched flying experience. With Nitinol rods we are raising the standards in the RC paragliding industry to a new level.

Pro Dry Aramid lines and our RC Paraglider
Pro Dry Aramid Lines – Advances in RC Paragliding Technology
Our RC paragliders are equipped with the latest generation of Edelrid Magix Pro Dry lines, an innovation that enriches the flying experience. This state-of-the-art line combines advanced material technology with practical functionality to enable very good handling of the lines.
Properties of the Pro Dry Aramid line
- Exceptional dimensional stability: The 0.8 mm thin Nitinol wire is extremely resistant to deformation. It always retains its shape and length, which ensures that the profile nose is permanently perfectly tensioned.
- Memory effect: The memory effect of the Nitinol rods guarantees that the profile nose is always optimally shaped. This simplifies the take-off process and folding up the RC paraglider.
- Lightweight construction: Despite their robustness and dimensional stability, Nitinol rods are lighter than traditional nylon rods, which reduces the overall weight of the RC paraglider and increases flight performance.
- Easy handling: The use of Nitinol rods makes the RC Paraglider easier to handle both during takeoff and when packing, which increases user-friendliness.
- Durability and reliability: Nitinol rods are extremely durable and reliable, resisting deformation and damage that often occur with conventional materials.
Conclusion on Pro Dry Aramid Lines
The Pro Dry Aramid line in our RC paragliders is a key element in the high quality and performance of our products. It offers a combination of moisture resistance, UV and dirt resistance, eye-catching color design and reduced knot formation, making our RC paragliders a first-class choice for enthusiasts and professionals.
Customer reviews and experiences
Our customers are delighted with the performance and quality of the HYBRID-RAST® RC PARAGLIDER. Many report its ease of handling and impressive stability in the air. Experienced pilots praise the wing's agility and ability to adapt to different flight conditions.
Discover new horizons with the HYBRID-RAST® RC PARAGLIDER
Prepare for an unforgettable adventure in the sky with the HYBRID-RAST® RC PARAGLIDER from PARA AVIATION RC. This advanced RC paraglider not only stands for the highest quality, but also for groundbreaking innovations and pure flying pleasure.
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